Tuesday, May 12, 2009

12 May Spending+ Dinner

Why am I writing this?

I guess it's just a diary to record how I've spent my money. And hopefully learn to spend more as I reread what I've written. I want to spend more, but usually end up spending little or less.

Anyway, yesterday's more accurate spending:

1. Transport to work: $1.81
2. Lunch: $3.00
3. Transport home: $2.03
4. Bananas-6 pieces $0.90 Total: $7.74

I made dinner at home, so did not manage to spend additional money. What did I have for dinner? Two wholemeal snadwiches. The first was with an egg filling. The second, with barbecued pork. All from my store.

I've got a good way to make your scrambled eggs look more. Add 2 tablespoonsful of cold water to 1 teaspoonful of Corn Starch, plus seasoning. Mix well, and add this mixture to half cooked scrambled eggs. And scramle further. This amount should be good for one or two eggs. Experiment till you get a ratio that works for your taste.

I then had a fruit smoothie for dessert. All in a blender: 2 bananas, 2 apples, half a glass of commercial mixed fruit juice., including orange and strawberry. Yummy and mostly healthy. Made a whole litre, and cost slightly more than $1. Bananas: 30c, Apples: 50c. Fruit juice, 30c.

You might think my fruit prices a little low. True, they are. But there's a reason for it. As I had intended to make fruit smoothies, the fruit I chose to buy were the slightly bruised specials, and hence cheaper. Be careful though, get them from the more reputable retailers. Otherwise, you might be paying good money for impossible to ripen wormy mush! I get mine from Cold Storage. Usually a good 80 to 90% of the fruit is perfect.

I couldn't finish all my smoothie, so I had some with my homemade muesli for breakfast this morning. Wholesome and delicious. Couldn't be more than 50 cents.

And again $1.81 spent on the MRT and bus to work.

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